Together, Simpleview and Granicus will serve more than 7,000 organizations worldwide with a workforce of approximately 2,000 employees. Together, the companies now have the ability to reach and engage with more than 400 million current and future residents, visitors, and businesses to create connected communities that support places where individuals want to visit, meet, live, work, play and invest.

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Top tourism slogans and why they worked

Effective advertising knows how to stick. In addition to a brand name and logo, a slogan rounds out the trifecta of brand identity. Think of jingles that get stuck in your head about a sandwich when you’re trying to work (5 dollar footlong, anyone?). How about the number of times you’ve bought…

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Putting artwork to work: mural tourism for DMOs

Let us paint you a picture. You know your destination is packed with local artists looking to share their gifts with the community. You want to find ways to help their voices be heard while aligning with your destination marketing organization’s (DMO) goal of bringing in tourists. Lucky for you…

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