Together, Simpleview and Granicus will serve more than 7,000 organizations worldwide with a workforce of approximately 2,000 employees. Together, the companies now have the ability to reach and engage with more than 400 million current and future residents, visitors, and businesses to create connected communities that support places where individuals want to visit, meet, live, work, play and invest.

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Used by these customers:

Customizable & downloadable

Easy to use for anyone you choose

Consider this a storage bin for information. Choose from hundreds of custom graph layouts that work for your unique data. Eliminate multiple logins and manual report building. When you're ready to share your data, quickly send users a link to view content or easily print, download to PDF, or export your data.

  • Fully integrated
  • Feed ready
  • Multiple reports
  • Manual data display

Visit Mobile Case Study

Visit Mobile mastered the art of building trust with its community through data transparency with help from Simpleview’s Destination Dashboards.

Read the case study
Viewable & digestible

Inspire your decision-makers

Showcasing your destination to decision-makers has never been easier. Create multiple dashboards in your account, including internal sales dashboards, external board reports, executive summaries, and partner dashboards. Consolidate your data into charts and graphs in one centralized dashboard and display data directly from spreadsheets.

Fully integrated

Countless capabilities and connections

Destination Dashboards are fully integrated with Simpleview CRM and CMS right out of the box. Connect all of your data feeds, such as Google Analytics, Simpleview CRM, XML/API data feeds, manual data metrics, KPI/goal metrics, and strategic partner metrics — to name a few.

Meredith Guzy Turncliff headshot

At any given moment our stakeholders have our real-time data in one click, and that’s a very attractive measure. We were rewarded because we can stand behind our work and reliably show the data, thanks to Destination Dashboards."

Meredith Guzy Turncliff, digital marketing manager at Visit Mobile

Centralize Your Data

Are you ready to centralize your data, improve your reporting, and better communicate with your board? Click the button below to schedule a free demo of Destination Dashboards.

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