Shimo: what story does CRM data from 215 DMOs tell?

In this video, Christine “Shimo” Shimasaki discusses the Simpleview Sales Quarterly report’s spotlight on the health of the sales pipeline. Using the timeliest data pulled from CRM data of 215 DMOs, there are insights to be had and a story to be told about how the event and sales cycles compared to…

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The battle of the brands: branded vs. non-branded keywords

Rumor has it you’re ready to start running ads … but you’ve hit a bit of a roadblock when it comes to keywords. Well, have no fear, Simpleview is here. Before we dive into the nitty gritty, it’s important to understand the purpose of keywords from a birds-eye view. As much as we wish there was a…

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Shimo says: it’s all about relationships

In this video, Christine “Shimo” Shimasaki discusses the need for sales professionals to assess where they can be most helpful to planners and how doing customer research is critical — as is demonstrating to planners that they’ve done their homework and understand their needs. Shimasaki is the…

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'Professor Shimo' talks about the Sales Data Connection

In this two-part video, “In Session … With Professor Shimo,” Christine “Shimo” Shimasaki discusses stakeholder perception of DMO sales strategies. Do sales goals actually influence the right sales behavior? The details are in your data. Watch these videos to help your DMO use data to become better…

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