Michael Fiez
Michael Fiez

Michael is a former DMO pro who can strategize, synthesize, and stitch stories together. He strives to deliver value and connect destinations with the tools and resources they need.

How DMOs can maximize the bleisure travel trend

Business travel is no longer just about going to conferences, sales meetings, and unlocking new networks. Corporate travelers increasingly want to extend their trips to experience a destination differently. Enter bleisure travel, a trend that blurs the lines between work and play to turn business…

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Captivate travelers in 2024: 5 destination marketing trends

“Trend” can be a dirty word. A noisy, flitting, vapid distraction clamoring for attention while offering nothing of real substance or impact. But some trends present opportunities. They’re built on strong foundations and ripe with future implications. In the ever-shifting landscape of destination…

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