Simpleview CMS Related Modules & Add-ons

Expand Your CMS

CMS comes standard with many features such as meta tag management, code editor, and a microsite manager, but there are also numerous add ons and modules to help make your site even better. Mix and match the best options below that fit your tourism marketing initiatives, goals, and KPIs. 


A/B & Multivariate Testing

Which performs better for your brand, yellow buttons or red? Does one photo asset promote more conversion than others? Don't leave these decisions up to instinct. The A/B testing and multivariate panel allows you to easily connect your experiment to Google Analytics and test the content on your website such as placement, copy, calls to action and more, in order to identify and select the best-performing option.

Advanced Facilities Search

The Advanced Facilities Search is a customized implementation of the Listings module, which allows meeting planners to sort, search and filter by desired criteria, and view search results formatted specifically to display the key details planners desire.

Announcements Module

Grab your visitors’ attention with the Announcements Collection! This rich feature set allows you to display custom messaging on any of your website’s pages, acting as a dropdown message. With this tool, you can reach visitors with targeted calls-to-action around major events and happenings in your destination. It is commonly one of the first page elements to load on the page, appearing to visitors as they visit any designated page on your site. You can customize the text and imagery for most Announcements, creating as many as you would like.

Asset Request

The Asset Request feature allows your organization to provide content from your Asset Library as downloadable files. Members of the media, such as reporters and bloggers, commonly utilize this feature to request high-resolution imagery to use in their articles and feature stories.

Auto Responder

With the Auto Responder Module, you can serve curated content on your website to visitors who fill out an online form and indicate specific interest areas. Its connection to your Simpleview CRM Consumer Interests feature allows you to develop content where you already log your visitors’ inquiries and contact information. You can customize all of the content for the page that displays your Auto Responder interests, including header and footer text and imagery.

Blog Module

The Simpleview Blog allows you to easily maintain a directory of blog posts, categories, tags and authors. You can have multiple blog authors, the benefit of scheduling content and the option to attach a document with each post. The Simpleview CMS blog also has integrated fields for metadata and Open Graph tags, which are powerful tools for SEO and social media that help your content be found online. On top of these features, you can also allow visitors to sign up for automated emails around your blog posts, so they know the latest information about your destination’s happenings. The SEO Transition will ensure that your top-performing content maintains a strong SEO presence and your data is clean as you start blogging on the Simpleview platform.

Book › Direct Referral Engine

Book › Direct powered by Simpleview is the official Referral Engine of the Simpleview tech stack. When embedded into a destination website, the white-labeled Book › Direct search widget enables visitors to enter their travel dates and search for accommodations that have availability.

Calendar Snapshot

The calendar snapshot tool gives your site the ability to filter events pulled from your CRM and display those events on printer-friendly pages. Widget will allow users to view a printable calendar of events based on category and date range. Printable page format will be built for optimal printing of hard copies on 8 ½ x 11 paper. Printed pages can be delivered / handed out at visitor centers, hotel concierge desks, etc.

Click to Compare

Commonly implemented with the Advanced Facilities Search, this feature enables planners to select and compare venues to view key details.

Dynamic Content

Put your visitor personas to use with the Dynamic Content module. This panel allows you to swap in various layouts and widgets based on a visitor's geolocation or user profile. Serve unique content to foodies or history buffs, international visitors or locals. The more personalized your content, the higher the probability of it converting your visitors.

Listing Display Algorithm

The Listing Display Algorithm helps you provide the most relevant content to your website visitors. It allows you to prioritize your Listings’ content based on criteria specific to your organization, so that your best content displays first to visitors. The Listing Display Algorithm can create a better user experience on your website. It can also help to motivate your members and partners to frequently update and enhance their Listings. This will improve the overall quality of Listings on your website.

Listings - "You May Also Like"

A key performance indicator for most DMOs is to drive traffic to the listing detail pages of their members/partners. Ideally, a DMO website is a one-stop shop for all the information a potential visitor might need while planning a visit or even during a visit for business or leisure. The “You May Also Like” feature will enhance every listing detail page on your site and, in turn, create a richer experience for your users that will drive engagement on listing detail pages.

Listings - Quickview

Quickview is an add-on feature for Listings, Events and Offers Pro as well as Collections that makes your content more accessible and engaging throughout your site. Visitors will be able to select the Quickview option for any applicable content element (listings, offers, etc.) to see an immediate panel with a preview of that item’s detailed info. Users can then click into that item’s detail page or continue browsing their current page and potentially “quickview” any other items before moving onto the detailed page they are interested in. This interactive element greatly enhances engagement, time on site and ease of use with your website visitors.

Media Gallery

The Media Gallery Module allows you to categorize images and videos into albums to display on your website. The albums will display as a slideshow that website visitors can scroll through on the site. You can also associate information such as a title, description, photographer credit and location (indicated with a Google Map) with each image or video in your albums. The Media Gallery Module is a great way to visually present your destination. You can create multiple albums and galleries within the module. This enables you to organize your visual collateral for display on relevant pages of your website.

Map Publisher

Create your own customized, branded event and destination maps to print out or display on your destination website. Help your visitors get where they need and want to go, and have a great experience once they get there. Help your local businesses and attractions generate interest, guide adventures and keep visitors in the know.

Partner Listings Social Feeds

The most social media activity in our destinations is generated by our partners yet we rarely pull their information into our powerful DMO website. This integration will enable the CVB to pull in their partner’s most recent social media activity right into their detail listings! This will give users even more information on your partners, but more importantly give your partners an opportunity to get much greater exposure to their social media efforts than they could themselves.

Recently Viewed Pages

The Recently Viewed Pages Widget is a tool that tracks and displays a list of the pages recently viewed by the visitor. This allows your visitors to easily find and return to content they have expressed interest in. The widget will display the recently viewed pages as a feed, showing the most recent page at the top/front of the list, and the oldest at the bottom/end. The Recently Viewed Pages Widget displays the content with its primary image, title and description text, if applicable. Recently viewed entries can include Pages, Article Posts, Blog Posts, Listing Detail Pages, Event Detail Pages and Special Offer Detail Pages.

Related Content Aggregator

This tool gives you the ability to tag pages and partner listings as related. Similar to browsing Amazon, users will be served "related pages" they may like based on the page they are presently viewing.

Simpleview DAM

The Simpleview DAM provides clients with a simple, yet robust asset management tool to organize, manage and distribute all of your images, videos, documents and logos. Our solution ensures you never spend hours looking for missing files, sifting through duplicate or improperly named content, or trying to control accessibility and usage rights. Integrated with the Simpleview CMS and CRM, you’ll be able to access your DAM library through both of these systems and import images from your DAM into your CMS media library for website use and CRM for member/partner listings.

Simpleview Data Engine

The Simpleview Data Engine is a powerful product that gives you the ability to combine all of your data in one place while generating new insights that have never been seen before in the DMO industry. The product is a combination of a Data Warehouse and a Business Intelligence (BI) tool.

Simpleview UGC Content Streaming Hubs

Simpleview will implement Simpleview UGC for your organization. Implementation will include Content Discovery, Moderation, Curation, a dedicated Social Media Success Specialist and access to our Support team. Simpleview UGC allows your organization to moderate and compile each of your Owned Social Media Channels. Simpleview UGC then seamlessly integrates into your CMS so placing your curated content on your website is done with ease.

Trails Collection Widget

Simpleview will create a new Trails collection widget. It will allow you to build a map with paths using KML files imported from 3rd party providers or built using Google's Map tool. The Trails collection features include: Ability to plot paths between points, Mobile Friendly, Photos, Difficulty Level, Distance, Duration, Ascent /Descent, Best time of year to go, Website, Description. There is also an option to add the functionality to blog posts.

Trip Builder

The Trip Builder feature enables users to add listings, events and offers to an itinerary which can be organized by day. Itineraries can be mapped, printed and emailed.

Articles About CMS

Falling for change: DMOs that spiced up their websites designs

  • 3 minute read

Destination websites come in many different shapes and sizes, but these Simpleview CMS-powered sites deserve the limelight. Simpleview launched over 18 new websites this past quarter, each with its own unique take on what makes a destination shine. You’ll find everything from booking focuses to…

Join 500+ DMOs Using Simpleview CMS

It's no secret that Simpleview CMS is the preferred content management system of DMOs. Whether you are pulling listings from your CRM system to display on your website, or creating dynamic page content for visitor personas, Simpleview CMS makes managing your destination website enjoyable. Click the button below, and we'll show what the hype is all about.

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