What Our Partnership Offers

Bandwango + Simpleview

The Bandwango integration will allow participating DMO listings to be included in a Bandwango pass that generates leads and drives revenue. Bandwango’s technology will enable DMOs to organize restaurants, tours, and attractions into free and paid experiences that can be accessed directly on the DMO website in the form of the Bandwango Pass. The Bandwango pass is a “win, win, win” for the DMO, its partners, and visitors. It provides incentives for users to visit participating businesses. Each user’s participation is tracked via the pass, providing first-party data that shows visitations to participating listings and reflects the value the pass brings to the destination and participating businesses. 

  • Foster relationships
  • Drive referrals
  • Track & analyze data
  • Incentivize visitation
  • Gain visibility
  • Communicate & interact
About Our Mobile Pass Partner


Bandwango is changing how businesses connect with their community through mobile passes that drive consumers to businesses. Bandwango’s signature technology allows DMOs and their communities to organize restaurants, tours, and attractions into free or paid experiences that can be accessed directly on the DMO’s website. Participating DMO listings appear in a Bandwango “pass,” which turns into a “win, win, win” for the DMO, its members & partners, visitors, and locals. The Bandwango pass generates leads and drives revenue for organizations while delivering a seamless user experience for customers.

Used by these customers:

Visit Tampa Bay logo
Visit Omaha White Logo
Explore Lawrence - Unmistakably Lawrence White Logo

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Access to Bandwango analytics in the “Benefits Summary” of Simpleview CRM — including a virtual representation of on-site visits via check-ins and an authentic attribution of in-person visits generated by the DMO website
  • A streamlined installation of Bandwango's integrated elements into Simpleview CMS-powered websites incorporates passes into relevant listings, offers an optimal increase in partner value, and drives referrals
  • Coming soon: the ability to seamlessly push first-party consumer data captures from Bandwango into the consumer database within Simpleview CRM.

Bandwango Simpleguide

Learn how integrating Simpleview CMS & CRM with Bandwango helps visitors optimize their time with curated experiences while collecting first-party data for your partners.

Download the Simpleguide

See Bandwango in Action

See how VisitLEX is having success utilizing Bandwango's technology to connect businesses with their communities and, in turn, drive consumers to those businesses.

Read the Case Study

Give your destination the curated experiences it deserves.

Amplify your DMO marketing strategies and goals with Simpleview and Bandwango.

Schedule a demo