One of the most important things we can do as marketers during COVID-19 is to stay connected to our audiences. We do so in many ways and across multiple channels, including our website, social media and email marketing. But, it’s not enough to just post content if we hope to keep our audience engaged. The best way to connect with them is by finding creative ways to tell a story.

Destination marketing organizations all have a story to tell. DMOs that use storytelling-based campaigns as part of their content marketing strategy connect with their audiences by evoking emotion, which can lead to increased interest and ultimately, a visit.

Jasmyn Goodwin, Interim Vice President of Marketing & Communications with Visit Omaha, joins Jason on The Layover Live to dive into the world of creativity and storytelling. Jason and Jasmyn discuss how Visit Omaha has pivoted their marketing campaigns over the last several months and how storytelling has been an integral part of these campaigns. Jason and Jasmyn also discuss who "Bob the Bridge” and “Omar the Troll” are and how they help Visit Omaha tell their story. 

“We really took the time in quarantine to try to be as creative as possible. When a lot of your resources are taken away, it really just leaves your imagination. And what can you do? And how can you get it done? Social media is still an easy platform that we can jump on and use. So think outside the box and be creative.”  - Jasmyn Goodwin



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