Quintana Roo, commonly known as “The Mexican Caribbean,” is a unique region with diverse destinations and tourist attractions. These include Caribbean beaches, tropical jungles, archaeological sites, underground rivers, Mayan archaeological sites, and so much more.

Early last year, the Quintana Roo Tourism Board set out to create a website that would serve as a promotional tool for all 13 of the destinations within Quintana Roo and educate potential visitors on the varied experiences they could find within the state. In addition, they hoped to draw attention to some of the lesser-known destinations rather than simply highlighting already popular destinations such as Tulum and Cancun. 

Quintana Roo Website

The Simpleview experience design team visited all 13 destinations within Quintana Roo, dining at the neighborhood establishments, visiting Mayan archaeological sites, and spending time with the locals. 

Download the case study to see how the 7-day immersion trip inspired the website design and enabled the team to present a comprehensive appreciation of the region.

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