The Power of Simpleview CRM + CMS Integration

The Simpleview CMS is a content management system designed specifically for the travel industry. Integrating your Simpleview CRM with the CMS offers countless benefits.

Benefit #1 - You'll work smart. 

Efficient equals effective, and you've got no time to waste. The tight integration between Simpleview CRM and CMS maximizes the data already stored in your CRM so you can spend less time on tech and more time on marketing. 

Benefit #2 - Your partners will appreciate you.

Not only will you empower your tourism partners to manage their own account information, listing descriptions and images, leisure events, sales leads, and more via a member/partner website portal, but our Partner Reporting lets you easily show the value you provide when they ask, "What have you done for me lately?"  

Benefit #3 - We'll have your back, and we’ll help you move forward.

You'll get dependable support from our trusted team. And with our expanded services, we can help you optimize for SEO and automate your marketing — heck, we'll even manage your email campaigns if you'd like us to. 

Check out this sampling of websites recently launched using the Simpleview CMS.


Technology gets outdated, and when it does, tasks often take longer to complete and have a frustrating number of steps that are necessary only because of the outdated technology. 

Destination Queenstown found itself in just that position with its 13-year-old proprietary database system, which required multiple management of member details across three platforms that didn’t interface. Talk about extra work!

When shopping around for a replacement CRM and CMS, industry leader Simpleview became the clear preferred solution. Integrating the CMS and CRM resulted in internal efficiencies such as removing double-handling of RFPs and removing listing approval lag time. They gained the ability to track listing views and click-throughs in the CRM, making reporting to members more efficient and a lot easier.

Take your website to the next level with the most trusted CMS in the industry.

Schedule a Simpleview CMS Demo Today!