Together, Simpleview and Granicus will serve more than 7,000 organizations worldwide with a workforce of approximately 2,000 employees. Together, the companies now have the ability to reach and engage with more than 400 million current and future residents, visitors, and businesses to create connected communities that support places where individuals want to visit, meet, live, work, play and invest.

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Holistic approach & expertise

Define your success with strategy & research

Consumer behavior demands personalization, the growth of digital channels, and a mobile-first approach. Our holistic approach and expertise in travel and tourism position us to help destination organizations engineer a clear roadmap for success.





Visit Hamilton County Case Study

Discover how Visit Hamilton County, Indiana looked to Simpleview for strategic advice on how to boost campaign success.

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Target, track & test

Meet customer & industry needs

Target, track, test, and optimize your efforts. Create content, track and implement SEO, and introduce paid media with guidance from Simpleview experts who act as an extension of your team. Deliver the right message to the right person at the right time — energize your promotional marketing efforts and grow success.

Actionable insights

Visualize award-winning metrics

Balancing a campaign's intentions with the visitor's experience is important for any marketing initiative. Our team monitors conversions and performance every step of the way, providing actionable insights throughout the campaign with detailed reporting and data visualization.

Ashley Ledford, Hamilton County Tourism - Headshot 2023

We see them (Simpleview) as an extension of our staff and they really genuinely care about our destination and want us to succeed. Having the strategic team in place that understands digital marketing really allows us to set direction and then focus on other initiatives within our market. Having digital marketing experts on our team allows us to perform at our highest level.”

Ashley Ledford, Marketing and Promotions Director at Hamilton County Tourism, Inc.

Want to become a marketing powerhouse?

Let our digital marketing team help you leverage your existing data and marketing technology to get the most out of your next campaign.

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