2021 was a good year for Simpleview client destination management organization (DMO) websites when it came to organic growth. Starting in March 2021, organic search sessions picked up and consistently outpaced both 2020 and 2019 for the rest of the year.
As the following infographic makes clear, the growth occurred in all destination types in all North American regions:
- 66% increase in coastal regions
- 41% in urban regions
- 40% in rural regions
The American West led the growth, with client DMO websites seeing a 44% increase, followed by the Midwest, with a 40% increase. The South/Southeast and Northeast fared similarly, at a 39% increase for the South/Southeast regions and a 36% increase in the Northeast region. All impressive — but Alaska itself beat all those by a minimum of 20%, coming in with a 64% increase in organic growth.
The infographic summarizes 2021 search engine optimization (SEO) results collected from over 300 DMOs. Also available is the Simpleview State of SEO, third edition. The third edition contains 80+ pages of expertise from our SEO team, answering questions about the crisis in 2020 and the best current keyword opportunities. In addition, the report covers how to best structure your content, why you need links, and so much more — all from a travel and tourism industry perspective.