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Book › Direct
Book › Direct is connected to 300+ internet booking engines from all major corporate chains and unique reservation engines, as well as your suppliers. Integrated with Simpleview's tech stack, users can search for intended travel dates with confidence that rates and availability are up-to-date. Make booking a breeze with Simpleview + Book › Direct.
- Live rates & availability
- No commissions or fees
- Access to real-time data
- Engagement & performance reporting

We made the switch to Book › Direct because we wanted to create a better user experience and also wanted to provide more direct leads to our hotel partners. We have been very pleased with our results for both so far. The average time on page for both our hotels and preferred hotels pages has increased year over year, showing that users are having a more enjoyable and worthwhile experience with our booking widget. We have also seen a significant increase in bookings and referrals. This simple switch has made an impact on the number of visitors making the decision to book in Columbia – a major win!”