Simpleview Europe is proud to announce that we have been approved as a Charter Member of the Fair Employment Charter

As a document, the charter outlines an employer’s commitments to various aspects of workplace fairness.  Based on the historical principles of the employment relationship — where a fair day’s wage is given in return for a fair day’s work — the charter focuses on the following points:

  • Healthy: The charter promotes healthy workplaces, emphasising safety and the importance of both mental and physical health. As a Charter Member, we at Simpleview Europe commit to ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, including compliance with safety regulations, and supporting mental health through several initiatives and via our wider company culture.

  • Fair pay and fair working hours are central to this aspect. We pledge to provide stable work hours, to minimise unstable contracts, and to offer pay at or above the Real Living Wage.

  • Inclusive: The charter promotes inclusive workplaces by encouraging diversity, equality, and inclusion. As a Charter Member, we commit to implementing diversity policies and to provide training to support staff during the course of their professional development.

  • Just: The charter aims to create just workplaces with opportunities for all. We encourage union recognition and value staff involvement. Additionally, we provide opportunities, apprenticeships, and work experience for young people.

These commitments aim to create a fair, safe, inclusive, and just work environment within the Liverpool City Region. By becoming a part of this initiative, Simpleview Europe makes a powerful and impactful statement to our employees, customers, collaborators, and the wider local community. It signals that we are dedicated to the values of equitable employment and its willingness to contribute to the creation of a thriving, equitable, inclusive, and just work environment. Furthermore, we believe that by aligning with the Charter, we can showcase our deep commitment to essential social responsibility initiatives.