A visitor with a disability must be able to experience web-based services, content, and other digital products with the same successful outcome as those without disabilities. Simpleview is here to help you create, curate, and deliver the tools you need to develop an inclusive digital destination.



Visit Dorset AudioEye Icon



15% of the world’s population

have disabilities. That’s more than 1 BILLION people.

1 in 4 people

will be excluded from a website that is not accessible.

£10.4 trillion in disposable income

exists globally, among people with disabilities and their friends and families.

Common Disabilities & Impairments

Simpleview client, Visit Bath has achieved a major boost to the accessibility compliance of its visitor site, following the implementation of AudioEye.  

Digital accessibility is more important than ever as an increasing amount of information is provided via the web and mobile devices. In 2021 the World Health Organisation estimated that 15 – 20% of the world’s population have some level of disability (either physical or mental) and the number is increasing. Despite that, it’s estimated that 98% of websites are inaccessible to disabled people in some form.

In the UK for example, the value of the Purple Pound (spending power of disabled people and their families) is worth £274 billion and is rising by around 14% per annum, yet less than 10% of businesses have a plan to target this market.

Is Your Website Accessible?

Compliance isn't an obligation; it's an opportunity for you to better connect with your visitors. And it's the right thing to do. Click the button below to request a free digital accessibility consultation.

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