Together, Simpleview and Granicus will serve more than 7,000 organizations worldwide with a workforce of approximately 2,000 employees. Together, the companies now have the ability to reach and engage with more than 400 million current and future residents, visitors, and businesses to create connected communities that support places where individuals want to visit, meet, live, work, play and invest.

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Hello, video! 4 tips for fantastic hero videos

We all love bells and whistles, and wouldn’t we all love an extravagantly gorgeous and creative hero video at the top of our destination marketing organization’s homepage? Resist the temptation to complicate your hero video, advises Travis Yewell, Simpleview’s design director, who created a…

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Dynamic content: the future is now

Dynamically generated, personalized content has become so ubiquitous that it often hides in plain sight. While the maximum overdrive future state of this marketing technology, so famously depicted in the 2002 film “Minority Report,” has yet to materialize, the current state is so intelligent it…

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